Sunday, May 16, 2010

Web related article #1- "Using Humor In Advertising"

Web related post #1

-by Profesional Advertising, an article :Using humour in advertising.

This article is done by a company that apperantly does advertising. It breifly explains the positives and negatives in humor related advertising. At the very begginig there is subtitle that says advertising is not a funny bussines. And supports it with three examples:“that everyone does not have sense of humour, that people can misinteprate or simply not get the joke, and that the jokes often can ofend someone“. These three examples are most commoly shortening shortening the targeted public. On the other hand there are many examples and explanations how can humour in advertising help and how it works on people.

I like this webpage because it is very clearly said and truelly aiming at particular areas in advertising, even the first time I approached this webpage I was quite shocked by the primitive and almost not ordered look.

For the article please use the following link:

and the homepage is at:

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